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People, Places and Policy: Knowing contemporary Wales through new localities (Regions and Cities)

From Routledge

[PDF.vt55] People, Places and Policy: Knowing contemporary Wales through new localities (Regions and Cities)

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 |  2015-08-27 |  2015-08-27 | File type: PDF

||About the Author| |Martin Jones is Professor of Urban and Regional Political Economy, University of Sheffield, UK. |Scott Orford is Reader in GIS and Spatial Analysis, School of Planning and Geography, Cardiff University, Wales. |Victoria Macfar

Set within the context of UK devolution and constitutional change, People, Places and Policy offers important and interesting insights into ‘place-making’ and ‘locality-making’ in contemporary Wales. Combining policy research with policy-maker and stakeholder interviews at various spatial scales (local, regional, national), it examines the historical processes and working practices that have produced the complex political geography of Wa...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your device.People, Places and Policy: Knowing contemporary Wales through new localities (Regions and Cities)   |  From Routledge. I was recommended this book by a dear friend of mine.

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