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Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Decision Making: The Competitive Advantages of Strategic Creativity (Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth)

Panagiotis E. Petrakis, D. Konstantakopoulou

[PDF.uz67] Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Decision Making: The Competitive Advantages of Strategic Creativity (Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth)

Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Decision  Panagiotis E. Petrakis, D. Konstantakopoulou epub
Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Decision  Panagiotis E. Petrakis, D. Konstantakopoulou pdf download
Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Decision  Panagiotis E. Petrakis, D. Konstantakopoulou pdf file
Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Decision  Panagiotis E. Petrakis, D. Konstantakopoulou audiobook
Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Decision  Panagiotis E. Petrakis, D. Konstantakopoulou book review
Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Decision  Panagiotis E. Petrakis, D. Konstantakopoulou summary

 | #3554875 in eBooks |  2016-04-29 |  2016-04-29 | File type: PDF

||About the Author|Author Dimitra P. Konstantakopoulou: Dimitra Konstantakopoulou is Researcher at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. She obtained a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the Athens University of Economics and Business, Gre

Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Decision Making fills an existing gap in understanding three key concepts of business management: entrepreneurship, uncertainty, and strategy. By extending the impact of uncertainty on entrepreneurship and the role of strategy in reducing uncertainty, Petrakis and Konstantakopoulou emphasize that uncertainty can be converted into creative advantage. Given that the business environment is changing both very quickly and very often, any wrong ...

You can specify the type of files you want, for your gadget.Uncertainty in Entrepreneurial Decision Making: The Competitive Advantages of Strategic Creativity (Palgrave Studies in Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Growth)   |  Panagiotis E. Petrakis, D. Konstantakopoulou. I really enjoyed this book and have already told so many people about it!

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